Choose the best dog for camping [Top 12 companion breeds]

How to choose the best dog for camping? Are you a camping enthusiast who is looking for a good furry companion? I am here to help you with choosing the perfect dog for camping!

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How to select a perfect dog for a camping trip?

By their nature, dogs are active and friendly pets that can be excellent hiking partners.

However, not all dogs are good for hiking.

Your task is to choose the most suitable breed that fulfills most of these points:

  • High energy level
  • Good stamina
  • Strong health
  • Friendly personality
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12 best dog for camping

Due to my researches, I can offer a list of the most popular dog breeds for outdoor adventures.

#1. Australian cattle dogs

Australian cattle dogs are hard-working and protective friends to pick for camping.

  • Pros. Highly active, Australian cattle dog is also obedient. As a cattle breed, they can alert you to any possible danger when trained well.
  • Cons. Sometimes the Aussies can be over-protective. There can be no real danger but a random passer-by that causes them to alert.
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#2. Australian shepherds

The Australian shepherd is known for high energy and intelligence levels for a good camping partnership.

  • Pros. High energy level makes Aussies one of the best breeds for long and active hiking trips. The Australian shepherd is highly responsible and easy to train and adapt to multiple traveling variants.
  • Cons. The highly energetic Australian shepherd is fond of constant activity. If you prefer peaceful camping with many relaxing stops, they can be often bored and need more activity. Besides, there can be some health issues related to this breed.
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#3. Bernese mountain dogs

Bernese mountain dog is a lovely, gentle giant born to be outdoors and live an active life!

  • Pros. Bernese mountain dogs are insanely friendly. Smart and obedient, they can tolerate any weather conditions and follow you anywhere you go. Good training allows you to venture with a Bernese mountain dog without a leash!
  • Cons. Unlike some other dogs, the Bernese mountain dog is not so endurable on a long trip and feels better at shorter hikes. As a variant, stop more frequently to relax so as not to make your furry companion exhausted.

#4. Border collies

Border Collie is a faithful friend and great companion for a trip to opt for.

  • Pros. Collies belong to the most excellent hiking partners thanks to their high energy and stamina. They love training and different activities, and never get tired of your hiking trip!
  • Cons: These dogs need constant activity to keep their body fit and mind busy, so don’t let them feel bored!
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#5. German shorthair pointers

German shorthair pointer is born to spend time outdoors!

As a bird-hunting dog, your furry friend will enjoy the long hikes as well as you do.

  • Pros. German shorthair pointers are very active and tireless during a long hiking trip. This breed has a keen intelligence and loves training, which is important for a long adventure.
  • Cons. Playful and energetic, these dogs can be rambunctious and bark eagerly when bored.
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#6. Huskies

Siberian husky is a wolf cousin with great stamina and physical strength. Originally bred as a sled dog, the Siberian husky is hard-working and very smart.

  • Pros. As sled dogs, Siberian huskies feel especially good in cold weather conditions, so they fit best for a winter trip. Smart and strong, they are well-suited for long hikes and severe conditions. Huskies are gentle and obedient and have one of the strongest bonds with their dog owners.
  • Cons. Huskies have thick fur that makes them difficult to sustain hot weather. Taking huskies for long summer camping trips is not a good idea.
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#7. Labrador retrievers

Labrador retriever is one of the most friendly dogs to choose for camping.

  • Pros. Labs have an active temperament and lots of energy, so they enjoy spending time outdoors. They are not noisy or excessively alert.
  • Cons. Labs are prone to have certain health issues. Without enough physical activity and exercise, they can gain excessive weight. Be aware of such breed-related problems as hip dysplasia. Make sure that your Labrador retriever is healthy enough to hike!
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#8. Malamutes

Alaskan Malamutes are the relatives of huskies.

  • Pros. They are highly energetic and strong and can sustain long trips, especially in cold weather. 
  • Cons. A thick coat is a real disaster when traveling in summer, so this breed is not good for hot weather.

#9. Portuguese water dogs

Are you a fan of water trips? Then, a Portuguese water dog is your best bet!

  • Pros. Portuguese water dogs are bred for fishing activity, so they will enjoy swimming and having a long active day. They are super easy to train and love different activities. However, they are not too strong-willed, so you shouldn’t be afraid of an exhausting experience with your furry companion during the whole trip.
  • Cons. If you travel with little kids, make sure they don’t cuddle these dogs too tightly. A Portuguese water dog is not really a lap breed, so respect their borders!
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#10. Rhodesian ridgebacks

Rhodesian ridgeback was originally bred for African hunting in hot climates.

  • Pros. Rhodesian ridgeback belongs to the most sustainable hound breeds. Their sturdy body with strong muscles is developed for hunting lions! This point makes Ridges excellent companions for long and active hiking trips, especially for long hikes during the summer heat.
  • Cons. Ridges are not a good option for newbies in dog training. Strong-willing Ridges suit better for those who have advanced skills in dog training. 

#11. Weimaraners

These are friendly and affectionate furry pals who will join your trip eagerly.

  • Pros. Weimaraner is a hunting dog that enjoys an active life, makes strong friendly bonds, and has a high intelligence level.
  • Cons. With a lack of training, Weimaraners are prone to bark and fool around when bored. Involve them in enough activity to never get bored!
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#12. Vizslas

Vizsla can not only sustain long walks but also enjoy them a lot. Isn’t this your perfect hiking pal?

  • Pros. Vizslas are highly energetic dogs with high intelligence levels that can be great companions for venturing into the wild. With good stamina and a nice personality, they will have a blast with you while hiking. Deeply affectionate, they will follow you anywhere!
  • Cons. Certain health issues are related to this breed. When taking a new vizsla make sure to choose a pup without such health problems as epilepsy or eye issues.
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What is the best breed of dog for camping?

The best characteristics of the traveling breeds include high energy levelsgood stamina, and friendly personality. For example, an Australian shepherd is a great breed for camping.

What is the best dog for outdoors?

Here is a list of the best breeds that enjoy spending time outdoors:

Bernese mountain dogs
Portuguese water dogs
Hungarian vizslas
Australian shepherds
Portuguese water dogs

What is the best dog for traveling?

When deciding on a good companion, you can either opt for a big and strong dog like Labs or Ridges or take a small pocket pet such as Chihuahua or Pomeranian.

What is the best dog for adventure?

A strong, active, healthy, and well-trained dog makes a perfect companion!

Among the most adventurous dogs, there are Jack Russell Terrier, German Shepherd, Vizsla, Alaskan Malamute, and many others.

Final thoughts

As you can see, there is a good list of possible hiking companions for your outdoor adventure. I hope you can choose the best one for your next trip!

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